Typ, en dikt?
nyss fick jag ett av mina ryck, har inte fått nåt på länge, så det var väl dags antar jag... haha. men iaf... vet inte riktigt vad man ska kalla det, en dikt är det väl mest uppbyggt som... ganska rytmiskt.
jaa... delar med mig av den iaf. här får ni lite att läsa, och tolka, hur ni vill...
Racing heart in a pool of mud,
Beating hard to succeed,
But nothing happens,
It's stuck in a moment of truth,
To find out what is real, what is not, and to feel.
Feeling foolish to know the truth when the truth comes,
Running towards you,
With the speed of ten thousand gazelles being chased by cheetahs,
But still moving in slow-motion.
Finding the time to think about the time,
You had but still not,
When you get to know the truth,
When the truth hurts,
And you know every dream will be destroyed because of this moment,
This moment of truth,
You stand hopeless and numb.
Feeling that you have nothing to feel,
Yet you feel so much,
In this moment alone,
And you pray for the clouds to come crashing down,
So that you don't have to feel,
So that you won't have to deal with what's coming.
What's running towards you,
With the speed of ten thousand gazelles being chased by cheetahs,
But still moving in slow-motion.
As is your heart,
Preparing to stop beating,
Your chest filled with water,
Lounges are choking,
Choking and dying,
Slowly but faster than ever,
And you,
Stand hopeless and numb.
Numb by the thought of living on,
After this,
What is left?
All your feelings break out,
In the form of a pool of mud,
Filling faster and faster,
Till it's up to your neck,
Getting closer to death,
While still living,
And death would be sweeter,
Than life at this time,
When you know what is waiting for you is misery, and misery alone.
A way back from this,
At this point,
Seems non-existent.
Fully existing is not an option while being hit,
Cause not existing will make the pain much lighter.
When you know you'll get struck,
By what's running towards you,
With the speed of ten thousand gazelles being chased by cheetahs,
But still moving in slow-motion.
To be able to tell the truth,
All feelings exposed,
In the pool of mud that just stole your last breath for the sake of your own living...
ja, skriver ju mest på engelska när jag får välja själv... så, det får ni stå ut med, inte för att ni behövde läsa den, men... antar att ni redan gjort det nu lr? :P
aa... borde sova snart. är bara så jävla kul att skriva när man är riktigt på G liksom... haha.
jag är knäpp.